Thursday, May 28, 2009


For education I will give each and every student in grades 3 and up a free lap-top. this will help children learn, how to type properly, propper grammer, and more.
Microsoft office will be included with the schools that decide to take up this offer, this includes: Word, Powerpoint, Publisher, and Excel; this is just an example of what I am going to do for Education. Vote For Anna Amber

Vote for Anna Amber

Vote for Anna Amber and I will
  • Eliminate junk mail for all the scissors residants this will make your life spam free.
  • Lower the age to graduate to grade 11 that way more people can graduate and get a job earlier making our riding a richer place.
  • Decrease waiting room times by creating computerized check in areas this will help people by not having to wait as long to see a doctor.